Long in the Boot

To Beard or Not To Beard, That is The Question:

Glenn Season 4 Episode 84

 Whether 'tis nobler in the face to suffer 
The prickly thorns of outrageous stubble, 
Or to take arms against a sea of razors, 
And by opposing, end them. To shave, to trim— No more....
It's a Long in the Boot Christmas miracle! G. Long and Deb are in the studio on this Christmas day and we are putting out this week's episode on the same day! 
We are diving into beards this week and never has a topic been more timely!
World peace? Child's play! Climate change? Kid's stuff! Politics? Get serious! 
We are talking about the very essence of masculine virility and vitality. Looking at you Saint Nick!
To shave or not to shave on this week's Long in the Boot Podcast.

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